Sunday, August 28, 2011

Isabella Surveying the Land...

Izzie just loves to sit or lay at the edge of our property and look out over the farmers field next to us.  She'll sit for the longest time, just looking... It's the cutest thing!  We'll glance over and see her sitting or laying there, enjoying the view, looking as if she's surveying the land.  Lucky for her, they didn't plant corn this year or she wouldn't be able to see much of anything right now.  It's been a couple of years since they planted corn so next year they may plant it again, and Izzie may not be so lucky.   A friend of mine said she thinks Izzie is watching for a rabbit... I do agree, she would LOVE it if a rabbit hopped by, and a chase would most definitely ensue! 

.¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ♥ Thank you for joining me today to see more of the 'Adventures of Isabella'!!  This one is a relaxed, 'soaking up the fresh air' kind of adventure... Quite a bit of the time Izzie's adventures aren't quite this calm!  Like the time she chewed up one of my black shoes, from my only pair of black heels suitable for working in the Law Office!  I had to go into town to buy a new pair.  I had trouble finding just a plain pair of black pumps with a short heel... But thankfully I finally did.  Then, just a few days later, Izzie was in the other room chewing on her bone, when suddenly she ran into her crate... Usually NOT a good sign when she runs into her crate.  She walks slowly to her crate when she's tired and ready to sleep, but when she runs to her crate... It means "I did something really bad just now."  And yes, she was right, she did do something really bad just then!  She chewed the tip off of one of my brand new black shoes.  So, back into town, to the shoe repair shop I went.  The shoe repairman laughed when I told him my dog chewed off the tip.  Both tips had to be replaced to match, and when I asked when they'd be ready, he said (in a very 'laid back' sort of way), "Oh next week sometime."  After explaining to him that these were my only pair of black shoes for work, he said maybe he could have them ready in a few days.  I called a few days later and no one in the shop could find my shoes, not even the shoe repairman.  He remembered me, but didn't know what he had done with my shoes.  "Hmmm," he said, "I just can't imagine what I did with them."  Oh dear!  As I write this I'm realizing this WAS NOT an Isabella Adventure at all.... This was an adventure for ME!  LOL!  All is well now though.  They finally found my shoes and when I'm not wearing them, I keep all of my shoes in the closet where they belong!   Trying really hard to break Izzie of her love of chewing shoes! 

.¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ♥ Wishing you a great day! 