John Johnson of Darkstone Entertainment (http://www.darkstone-ent.com) has just wrapped production on Plan 9, the PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE remake (http://www.plan9movie.com) and while the film moves into post production, he has set his eyes on a new project:Evil Dead The Musical!
When Johnson was first approached with the idea of Darkstone taking on Sam Raimi’s classic film turned stage, he was terrified and intrigued. “I like many have loved Sam Raimi’s work for a very long time, and had seen the play off Broadway a few years back. I grew up with a very large musical background and am kinda a sucker for a good play. I felt that Evil Dead: The Musical paid homage to what I loved in the Deadseries and gave us a really nifty and new style in their adaptation. I am honored to throw my hat into the ring as a director of the play.” – John Johnson
The musical is set to open in October 2011 at Play On! Theatre (http://www.playontheatre.org/) in Charlottesville, VA for 14 shows, including a special Halloween showing. Auditions will be held July 10th-11t. Please visit the Play On! website or emailtheevildeadmusical@gmail.com for more information regarding auditions.
“Sam and his crew have had a huge impact on me and why I want to adapt their play for new audiences. When I was a young buck of the ripe age of 15 I started making my first feature film and was lucky enough to speak with the Heads of the Evil Dead trilogy such as Sam Raimi, Bruce Campbell, and Joseph LoDuca for hours on end at times. They took a glance or two at my film and nudged me in a few different ways. I can never thank them enough for their taking the time to give a little hack like me a shot. So I hope not to let them down or their fans!” – John Johnson
Darkstone Entertainment and Johnson want to reach out to the fans of the Evil Dead series! Things like homemade props, set pieces, collector items from the films, and any other creations inspired from the series we would like to incorporate into the production in some way. So, if you have an item, or ideas for a creation, or any other concept concerning the play, please contact the production team attheevildeadmusical@gmail.com or on their FaceBook page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Evil-Dead-The-Musical/172599736132612) right away! “This isn’t just our production. We are fans just like everybody else. So why not work together with the fans to make the best run of the play as we can!” – John Johnson
We will announce show dates and cast announcements in approximately two months.
On a final note… Other future projects for Johnson is a trilogy of films based on the original Dark Tower mythology that Stephen King based his series off of. We hope to have a web site and teaser trailer up by the end of the year!