Source: Collider.com
It seems that the lure of the Bigfoot movie craze is just too much for any movie maker or movie studio to resist ..... even Disney. Move over Mickey, take a seat Jack Sparrow, there's a new property about to be exploited and thy name is Sasquatch ..... well The Yeti to be precise. Yes, since "Pirates of the Caribbean" has become such a huge movie franchise Disney has taken a good look around their theme park for another movie sensation and zeroed in on The Matterhorn.
And what monster pops out at you on The Matterhorn ride? The Yeti. So what monster is going to be the antagonist in the movie based on the ride?
So far the film is in early development but what is known about the script sounds alot like "Escape to Witch Mountain" meets "The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas". A group of five kids are mysteriously drawn to the top of the mountain by a group of Yetis. What the monsters want with the kids at this point is anybodies guess ..... but I'm sure there is a gift shop up there.
Justin Springer (Tron: Legacy) will be producing the film (tentatively entitled "The Hill") from a script by Jason Dean Hall (Spread).
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