Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cones... Some We Love, Some... No Not Really!

Yes, that's right, there are some cones I LOVE!!!  Others... NOT SO MUCH!!  Here are a few examples of cones I love:  (Found while browsing Pinterest)

Yum... Looks like a yummy sorbet!

Pretty cones to decorate for a party!

Cupcake Cones... Love that idea!

Then there are the kind of cones I've come to dislike just a bit...

...They're the dreaded cones and pylons that indicate the signs of road construction!  Narrowing traffic down to one lane, re-routing traffic or stopping traffic all together.  My commute to work is about 40 minutes each way (timed on the very rare occasion that I was able to drive the route without any obstructions).  I have to give myself plenty of extra time to get to work because I am constantly being stopped, re-routed or slowed down and jammed into one lane of traffic.  The other day, while viewing a new patch of road construction up ahead, I sighed...  I thought to myself that it's VERY difficult to get from one place to another around here, no matter what time of the year is!  There's either road construction on these country roads and bridges, or there's snow and ice! Living in Michigan now, for almost two years, I have come to realize what the people here mean when they say that there are two seasons in Michigan... The Construction Season and Winter!  It's so true!  So, when I get home from work, and all I can think of are great big orange cones... It drives me right to the fridge!  Wanting to unwind from the drive, and to settle in and relax with a great big ice cream cone!!  LOL!  All I can say is good thing we don't keep ice cream here all the time!

Source: via Trina on Pinterest

Now that's a cone I love!!  :)

.¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ♥ Thank you for stopping by today!  Wishing you yummy ice cream cones and safe travels around the dreaded cones and pylons!! 