Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mary Potter

Since everybody is talking about Hogwarts: Your Story, the new RPG sim inspired in Harry Potter saga, I decided to do a post with a big tip of where you can find some pretty and versatile looks, so you can do your RP with style. The Fishing For This of Sn@tch this time is *Marry Potter*, these pretty student looks. You can mix and match each piece as you want. There are 25 pieces to fish, including the 4 house ties, flats, socks... well, everything you can see in the pic and a 4th tie I'm not showing because I wanted to show that the cardigan can be worn alone too, LOL. If you don't want to fish piece per piece, so you can buy the complete pack at the store. ;)

:::Sn@tch Mary Potter::: Fish For This Prize

Pet - Ohmai Emporium: Pygmy Puff - L$30 - Gacha!