Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Fairy Flies In

Please meet Apeironia.
When she arrived, she had some new limbs and some pretty fairy wings.
A paper hat perched on her head, and she looked cold.
Even fairies feel the cold so she tells me!
She saw a postcard of an exhibition I went to, and from then on she wanted her very own Yohji Yamamoto dress-mini Yamamoto she called it! We chose the red felt design as it is stylish and warm. The little stripey top is down to her fondness for pirates-I am sure I don't know what she has been getting up to on her travels! She nearly opted to make her t-shirt a hat, but in the end decided to stick with the paper one for now.
She travels in a little wire cage-for convenience of course as it keeps her delicate wings safe from the bumps of the journey. She heard how long it took Miss Felicity Haversham to reach Hungary, and is a bit apprehensive about the trip!
The design and making of the dress was a lengthy process. The felt is hand made.
The dress has been given magic powers and is free standing when not being worn.
Her wings safely re-attached after her dress fitting, she awaits her trip to the post office. Fly safely little fairy!