Saturday, July 2, 2011

Pixiebob North American Bobcat Breed and Breeders

The Pixiebob (PB) is a domestic cat with a visual similarity to the North American Bobcat yet a loving, trusting, tractable nature. The Pixiebob Longhair (PL) is the longhaired version of this breed. Pixie-Bobs can be large but on average reach around 5 kg (11 lbs), similar to good sized domestic cats, with only very few breeders producing consistently large cats. Males are usually larger than females. For example males from Anson Road Pixie Bobs in Europe can reach in excess of 10 kg (22 lbs) in weight  and their females reaching 8,5 kg (19 lb). Bobcat Legends Pixie Bobs in Texas, USA also produce exceptionally large PixieBobs by comparison to most Pixie Bob breeders.

The average domestic cat weighs just under 10 lb or 4.5 kg. Most Pixie-Bobs have black fur and skin on the bottom of their paws, tipped ears, heavy ear hair, black lips, and white fur around the eyes but with black eye skin. Their chins have white fur, but often have black skin under the white fur. Some of their whiskers change from Black (root - about 25%) to White (to the tip - about 75% of the whisker). Bobcat-like fur pattern, but often have reddish tones mixed in. Stomach is often reddish-gold in color with some ticking (broken stripes). Most are short-haired, but some are long-haired.

The goal of the Pixiebob breeding program is to create a domestic cat with a visualsimilarity to the North American Bobcat. This wild look does not reflect the true nature of the cat, which is loving, trustworthy, and
tractable. The Pixiebob comes in the shorthair and longhair varieties. The Pixiebob has an inverted pear-shaped head, heavily hooded eyes, strong muzzle and chin. Strong heavy muscular body with substantial
boning, like the North American Bobcat. Females are proportionately smaller than the males.
Pixiebob Head:
Shape and Size: Medium to large inverted wide pear; slightly rounded (convex) look.

Ears: Medium in height, wide, deep base. Set as much on side as on top of head, with slight outward tilt. Top of ear rounded with lynx tips preferred. Paler thumb prints on back of ears.

Eyes: Medium-sized, soft triangle. The heavy hooded bushy brow is one side of the triangle; the almost straight line downward on the inside corner of the eye (closest to the nose break), is the second side of the triangle and the bottom line of the eye, which slants upward toward the ear, is the third side of the triangle. Deep set, one eye-width apart, it is common for the Pixiebob to appear to be half asleep, gazing through partially closed eyes. Appearance of heavy fur above eye (brow). Eye makeup, there must be a band of cream or white directly surrounding the eye. Mascara must follow the corner of the eye downwards to the cheeks. G old to brown color preferred, Gooseberry Green accepted.

Chin: Well-developed, fleshy with coarse fuzzy fur, In alignment with the tip of the nose, depth of chin
Muzzle: Full broad muzzle with definite break, and depth. Fleshy whisker pads. NOTE: Description of
Nose/M uzzle/Chin - Soft- sided diamond from bridge of nose to chin.
Nose: Wide, slightly convex, with large nose leather. Brick in color. Slight nose bump.


Pixiebob Body :
Torso: Substantial and rangy, but with great depth. Medium to large in size. Females are proportionately smaller than males. Prominent shoulder blades producing a rolling gait. The back is not level, dip behind shoulder, upward slope slightly toward hips. Hips are medium width, prominent, slightly higher than shoulders with a long sloping croup to tail. The flank is deep and powerful, the chest is broad well-developed. Primordial belly pouch on both males and females.

Legs: Long with heavy boning and muscular.
Feet: Large, long and wide, almost round, with big knuckles and fleshy toes. Polydactyl allowed, seven toes maximum. Leg and wrist must be straight when viewed from the front. All toes must rest on the floor pointing forward. Foot must appear sound.
Tail: Articulated tail is desirable, however, kinks and curls are acceptable. Minimum of 2 inches in length, (approximately thumb length). Maximum to the hock, when hind leg is fully extended. Bone length determines the length of the tail. When relaxed, tail should be carried low.
Musculature: Heavy muscular build.
Boning: Heavy, dense boning.

Pixiebob Miscellaneous: Seasonal coat changes effect, color, length and depth in short and longhair varieties. Hot weather reduces all but the ground color, which is intensified, in summer season. Winter season will give coat a Frosted appearance.

Pixiebob Pattern : Small spots with or without rosettes, (broken mackerel pattern allowed) greatly muted by heavy ticking. Random spotting preferred. Belly must be spotted. In the summer time, the pattern is more easily seen than in the winter, when it is muted out. Pattern is secondary to type.

Pixiebob Color : Light to medium shades of b rown spo t ted tabby wit h warm/reddish tones preferred,
broken mackerel (muted) spotting accepted. The agouti hair must have several bands of color. Wild hare
appearance has a mandatory mouse base coat with reversed ticking having the lightest band at the top
and ending in a darker band near the skin. Medium to dark brown bands for the spotting. Light bands at the
tips of each hair giving a frosted appearance to the coat, heavier in the winter. Chin to belly to inner legs
should be off white to creamy color with mouse gray base. Pale or light color belly to neck. Paw pads to the
hocks, must be dark brown/black. End of tail should be dark brown/black. Coat Color is secondary to type.